Simple Swim Specific Strength

Below are some exercises utilizing body weight and resistance bands, each accompanied by a brief description and recommended repetitions. Feel free to tweak to what you need!
These exercises can be done in circuits, incorporating 3-4 rounds of half of these movements into a strength workout.
There is also a 30 minute video linked at the bottom that incorporates some of these exercises, as well as others.
Squat Jumps
Enhances lower body power, aiding in explosive starts and turns.- Perform a squat, then jump explosively, landing softly back into a squat.
3 sets of 10-12 reps.
Strengthens the upper back and shoulders, crucial for the pulling phase in freestyle.- Pull your body up until the chin is over the bar, then lower down with control.
3 sets of what you can manage (up to 12)
Develops chest and triceps strength, supporting arm recovery in freestyle.- Lower your body until the chest nearly touches the ground, then push back up.
3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Resistance Band Rows
Targets the back muscles, enhancing pulling strength.- Sit with legs extended, attach a band and pull it back towards your torso, squeezing shoulder blades together until your elbows are at 90 degree angles
3 sets of 15 reps.
Band Core Rotations
Improves core stability, essential for maintaining body alignment.- Attach a band and hold both arms out straight, holding the band. Rotate your torso away from the anchor point, keeping arms extended.
3 sets of 12 reps per side.
Flutter Kick Plank
Engages the core and mimics the flutter kick motion.- Alternately lift each leg slightly off the ground in a plank position.
3 sets of 20 kicks per leg.
Scapular Pull-Ups
Strengthens the upper back, aiding in shoulder stability.- Hang from a bar in a wide position. Pull up similar to a regular pull-up, bur your head goes in front of the bar. This can also be done on a lat pull down machine.
3 sets of what you can manage.
Superman Exercise
Strengthens the lower back, supporting body position in the water.- Lift arms and legs simultaneously off the ground, hold briefly, then lower. As a challenge, try doing opposite arm and leg, then switch (lift right arm and left leg, then left arm and right leg)
3 sets of 15 reps.
Lateral Band Walks
Activates hip abductors, contributing to a balanced kick.- Attach a band around your legs, just above the knees. Step side-to-side, maintaining tension on the band. These are also sometimes called monster walks.
3 sets of 20 steps each direction.
Plank with Shoulder Tap
Enhances core stability and shoulder strength.- Start in a plank position on hands. Lift one hand to tap the opposite shoulder, alternate sides.
- 3 sets of 20 taps.
Adding several of these exercises into your weekly routine can help out when you build up your swim volume as race season approaches.